What We Believe
Among other equally biblical truths, we believe in the following:
1. The Bible, the Word of God; in its divine verbal, plenary inspiration; and in its inerrancy and infallibility in the original languages; and in its supreme and final authority in faith and life (II Tim. 3:16; II Pet.1:20-21).
2. One God, eternally existing in three distinct persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Deut. 6:4; Matt. 28:19; I Cor.13:14).
3. The Lord Jesus Christ:
His essential, absolute and eternal deity (Phil. 2:6; John 1:4, 14; Heb. 1:8);
His true and sinless humanity (I Pet. 2:22; I John 3:5);
His virgin birth (Isa. 7:14; Matt. 1:20);
His substitutionary, propitiatory death (Matt. 20:28; Mark 1:45; ITim.2:6);
His bodily resurrection (John 20:19,20);
His ascension to the right hand of the Father (Mark 16:19; Luke 24:51); and
His personal, visible and bodily coming again with power and great glory in the future (Titus 2:13; John14:2,3; Rev. 19:11-16).
4. The Holy Spirit, who shows the redeeming purpose of God to the world by convicting the world of sin, of righteousness and judgment (John 16:7-11), and regenerating (Titus 3:5), uniting to Christ (I Cor. 12:13), indwelling (Eph. 1:13; 5:18), sanctifying (Gal. 5:16; I Cor. 6:11), illuminating (John 16:13) and empowering for service (I Cor. 12:4-11), all who place complete faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (Gal. 5:5).
5. The total depravity of man because of the fall (Gen. 3:10-24).
6. Salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ apart from works (Eph. 2:8).
7. The everlasting bliss of the saved and the eternal suffering of the lost (Dan. 12:2; Luke 16:24-26; John 5:28; Rev. 20:14).
8. The real spiritual unity in Christ of all redeemed by His precious blood (ICor.12:13; Eph 1:4-6; 4:11-15; 5:25,26)
9. The necessity of maintaining, according to the Word of God, the purity of the church in doctrine and life (I Cor. 6:19,20; I Thess.4:3).